Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Sound of Music


Last night was the big night.
Angela's parents gave all of us girls an evening at the Ordway Theater.
It was Angela's sisters, Beth and Jennifer, as well as her mother, Kathy, and her two nieces Erin and Sarah.
We decided to dress up....I even wore a dress and NYLONS!

I can't tell you the last time I did that.
We all piled into our van and we drove to downtown Saint Paul.
We parked and walked around downtown trying to find the restaurant we had reservations at.
We ate a delicious dinner at Great Water's Brewing Company.
(Thanks Brenda and Tracy AND Lynda for the EXACT same recommendation.)

The food was excellent, the company even more so.
We had quite a few chuckles...
one of which was Jennifer putting my gloves on her cold little toes.

Kathy gave us each darling little angel ornaments to put on our trees when we got home. She carried them all night so she could give them to us at the restaurant.
SO cute.
The play was excellent.
The children were amazing. Even down to the littlest one. So darling.
We went back to Kathy's house for cookies, nuts and ice cream...oh
and a few more laughs.
What a great night.
NOW, we are watching it on television.

Soulja Boy

Who says white folks can't dance???
Our contribution to the talent segment of the Christmas program at Angela's parents house last Sunday night.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Snowball Fight

I won't put ALL of Seth's videos on my blog....
but I think it's cute.

Friday, December 28, 2007


On Wednesday night we went to our friends house.
We went out to dinner, and then back to their house
for conversations. We got to see all their new
Christmas presents.

We always have such a great time catching up when we get together.
The cats and I became good friends while we were there.

It was a really nice time.
Thanks a lot you guys!
We can't wait for the next holiday so we can get together.

Merry Christmas 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Holiday Armadillo



Christmas Day

This morning we got up extra early,
5:00 AM.
NO, we didn't get up early to find out what
was in our stockings...
We went downtown to
Chicago Ave and 17th Street to
a homeless shelter.

We served Christmas breakfast to many
grateful people.
We all were humbled by our experience.
People with nothing were wishing US
a Merry Christmas.
Our prayer, before we went in, was to
BE JESUS to the people we were about to serve.

While WE all woke up with bellies still full from the night before,
we went to serve those with hungry bellies.
While we struggled to get out of bed early,
we saw others sleeping upright in their chairs....
taking advantage of a warm place to catch a few winks.
While we contemplated which toy to go home and play with,
we witnesses many with NO GIFTS this Christmas Morning.
We are TRULY blessed.
Absolutely an experience our family will never forget.


Christmas Eve

Yesterday was a great day.
We went to church at 2:00 PM.
Then, Seth took the kids all
sledding at a local hill.
We had a delicious dinner,
Seth read the Luke 2 story about the
birth of our Savior.
Then, we spent some quality time opening our gifts.

Everybody seemed very happy with what they received.
BUT...people also were very cheerful GIVERS as well,
which was delightful to see.

My Brother

Seth's VERY first video from his Flip video. VERY COOL!!
It ends rather abruptly!

Merry Christmas

What an amazing Christmas season it has been so far.
We have been surrounded by so much love, joy and laughter.
My wish for you is this amazing love.
Love, shown in example, by a tiny baby born in a
manger 2000 years ago....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Partridge Family - I woke up in love this morning

We did a compare and contrast lesson yesterday in class. We compared and contrasted the Partridge Family and the Cheetah Girls.
It was an awesome lesson. PLUS, the kids got to see what a star struck freak I am.
I used to kiss the TV when David Cassidy was on.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Mini Brush with Fame

OK....back in the 1990's there was this chic named
Susan Powter.
Do you remember her?
She was the girl who kept shouting
I read her books.
I thought she was amazing.
Love people who speak the truth
as they see it for themselves.
I don't even care if I agree with them,
as long as they are passionate about what they believe.

SO, I stumble upon her blog.
She is intense, and at times inspiring
to those who need to lose weight.

(people like me)
I find people blogging
who are banding together to
(it's her little mantra) I post a little comment on her blog....
the results are as follows:

Kari writes:
12/17 at 05:53 PM
I so remember the last time I lost weight....

a million years ago.
You were the inspiration.
I found you again, only better this time.
Not in a book.
You are live.
Day by day.
I want it for me.

BUT....guess what.....
You got it, exactly…

Live, day by day..
And, you want it for you!
Exactly what I’ve been talking about for a long time…
Susan Powter

I realize she is not a real star
but people know her
mostly when I post stuff to my blog
it's so I can remember...for me.
She how different she looks.
She's turning 50 this month!
I liked the short hair better.

Lovstad's White Elephant Party

On Saturday we went to the 4th Annual
White Elephant Party at our neighbors house.
Tim and Donna throw a fun party.

We really had a WONDERFUL time.
Kathy brought her daughter Caroline.
She was the hit of the party.
Here she is opening one of the MANY gifts she got to open
at the party.
It's a SINGING wreath. CLASSY!!!
Wonder where it came from?

I think Dave and Sarah ended up with it, however.

This is Tom with Kathy and Caroline.
Caroline is holding yet another gift she opened.
It's a TOMAHAWK!!!
Can't get enough use out of that.

Angela took home the best prize. What a GORGEOUS
platter. Too bad it weighs 50 lbs.
You can tell by her face that she is SUPER excited about it.

Tim and Dan posed for a nice picture.
We love these guys.

Donna goes GLAM!!!

It only took 5 times to get this picture right.
They weren't as cooperative as I would have liked.
Dave and Angela.

Sarah and Angela

Kari and Kari!
We even spell our names the same.
Kari Lovstad turns 21 on Christmas Day.
This is Tim and Donna's daughter.
She is a real sweetheart.

Sarah got a beautiful flag.
She went RIGHT HOME and hung it up.

We really had a great time!!!
Thanks Tim and Donna for inviting us.
Hope we get invited again next year.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Marks Family

Another rendition of Elf Yourself.
Shari....YOU WIN!!!!
r family dances THE BEST!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Seth's trip to Mexico

Intern's Trip to Mexico from Dave Gross on Vimeo.

Another Funny Video

I swear that people are purposefully sending me

HILARIOUS video clips so I can

make them famous by posting them to my blog.

Karen Christensen


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gotta Love Winter

I got this from my friend Julie Eddy!

I thought it was VERY FUNNY!!!

Tis the Season...

Last night I went shopping for 6 hours.
I looked for HOURS for a gift for my dad that I never DID find.
I am STILL not done.

I love Christmas.
BUT, I want to be done shoppping now.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Brian McKnight - What's My Name

This is who we drove to Milwaukee to see one day, and home the next last year.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ode To A Party Boot

Many of you remember these boots.
I recently brought them to the Goodwill.
Oh, I KNOW they are ugly beyond belief.
My children were beside themselves.
They began to love them after
Napoleon Dynamite.
I got nice Columbia boots last Christmas.
Their time had come.
They had served their purpose.
Luckily I was able to take a picture of them
So many good memories.

Angela's Birthday

Angela's birthday was yesterday.
Pearl Harbor Day.
43 years amazing!

We went out to Big Bowl in Edina last night for her celebration.
Her sisters, Beth and Jennifer and mom, Kathy.
We had fabulous food.

Back to Mom's house afterwards for
coffee, presents, cake, conversation and laughter.
When it got to be too late
Laughter about coasters

When things got SO late, Jennifer struggled to keep it all together.
The antique Swedish rolling pin became a thing of wonder.
Beth tried to help her out, but was unsuccessful.

Kathy had to come and straighten out the whole thing.
It is CORN!
Angela got great gifts, and really enjoyed her birthday this year.
There was also a VERY FUNNY incident regarding the song
Kathy was able to clear up the lyrics
It really was as much fun as it looks!

Friday, December 7, 2007

George Clooney Congratulates Julia Roberts

This is so funny!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Last Night

I am struggling with getting my blog updated.
I want to do it, but by the time I get home I can't get on the computer.
It's a drag.
Last night I went to Grizzly's with Mary and Fiona!
We had a great time.
Angela came and joined us quite a bit later.
We got to know each other a bit more.
Quite a good time.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Enchanted Trailer

We saw this last night.
Sappy but cute.