Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today is a Tuesday....but it is a Friday to me. It's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and it's the end of the work week for me.
My Aunty Joyce is in town from Colorado. She has never been to our house. I will try to invite her to come over during this time. I miss her, and would love to spend some time with her.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Moving On

A new day....a new thought!
Feeling blessed and loved today!
I tend to forget, even though I shouldn't, that I am truly loved by many!
Some people may have a hard time showing love to me for all the reasons that they have.
However, those who CAN show their love do so in amazing and abundant ways.
I am truly blessed!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to Love

I am actually filled with extreme hatred right now.
I actually hate a person!
I know it's not right...but I can't seem to help it.
No foresight.....absolutely no thought about long term remifications.
Unfair practices.
I actually am seething with hatred.
It's not the right way to think.
I can only change what I have control over.