I spent a few hours doing it, and am quite pleased with the results. It's important to identify what you believe in, and why! Here are the results:
Kari's Core Values
*Spirituality: My faith is an integral part of who I am. I've seen God work mightily in my life and those around me.
*Family: My family unit is such a gift. Time spent with family energizes me and brings me great joy.
*Humor: Humor is what tempers life's situations. It keeps me sane throughout this journey!
*Honestly: Honesty is an imperative. To be honest in all situations, and to expect honestly from those around me is vital. Say what you mean, mean what you say!
*Passion: Passion plays out in all things I do and am. Living a passionate life makes life vibrant and worthwhile.
*Diversity: Equity work is a life's passion. Understanding how my perspectives are limited, and can color how I view others and the world around me is a key component in looking at others.My point of view is not the only perspective, and not necessarily the right one.
This activity challenged me to show these values to friends and family to see if others around me see me the way I see myself. So, here you go: What do you think? Is this me?