Monday, August 20, 2007

How Bizarre

It's raining AGAIN! I did get up and go walking with Tim, my neighbor, in the rain.
But now, as I am sitting in the house lamenting the weather on my last week of summer vacation, I keep thinking about Mexico. We had such a great time in Mexico. I just hope Hurricane Dean doesn't do too much damage to the Yucatan Peninsula, I really want to go back there again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear, Kari...I have become a part of your blog and I am very honored!
I love reading your entries everyday and will feel sad during the school year if you don't continue.
I love looking at your pictures!
I am sorry the weather is getting you Thursday it will be gone! I know that must seem like forever to you but the sun will come out again! (I say that a lot don't I?)
p.s. What will we do in two weeks when there is no Scott Baio show to watch? Next week is the last episode.