Wednesday, October 31, 2007

YouTube - FEMA holds fake news conference

Does anything make you stop and say:
What is going on?

YouTube - FEMA holds fake news conference


Halloween is sort of anti-climactic after your kids get older.
Tonight my kids are at their dad's house.
Luke is going trick-or-treating with a couple of buddies from school.
Chloe was going to hand out candy at her dad's house.
Ryan and Isaiah are here and are handing out candy.
SO, I am down here on the computer updating my blog.

Today Rosie was on Martha Stewart. I didn't get to watch it.
Luckily my friend, Lynda, Tivo'd it. I can watch it at a later date.

Yesterday the Backstreet Boys new CD came out. It is called

Monday, October 29, 2007

Catching Up

It's been a long time since I have written on here.
On Friday night I had some friends over to hang out. We had a few chuckles and some collegial discussions.

On Saturday we went to Farmington Lanes and did some atomic bowling, but I accidentally forgot my camera. SO, I have no pictures. You KNOW how I hate that.

On Sunday we went to church, out to lunch, and back home for a Vikings game.
We all went to the Lion King last night at the Orpheum Theater.
The kids loved it, and so did Angela and I.
WOW! There aren't really the words to describe it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sweet Sixteen


Today is Chloe's SWEET SIXTEEN birthday.
After school, we went to TGIFridays for dinner.

We ate and had funny table things.
We seem to make a quite commotion when we go out.

Luke, while messing around in Ryan's letter jacket,
just happened to knock over Isaiah's drink...
all over his pants.
I am pretty sure the folks at TGIFriday's were happy
to see us leave.

Chloe had a choir concert at Lakeville South at 7:30.
After that, we came home and opened gifts.
It is so hard to believe that my little girl is 16!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Break

Yesterday turned out to be a nice day.
It actually DID NOT RAIN!
So that, of course, meant that we had to do
yard work!!
We enjoyed the mid 70 degrees again.
Chloe and Luke lucked out that it was their
weekend at their dad's house.
So they didn't have to do the yard work.

Today we went to church.
Then we went to Baker's Square for lunch.
Harrison, our waiter, did NOT love us.
I think it was his first day, and we asked
many questions.
Plus, we wanted the stuff a certain way.

The Vikings lost today.
Sort of glad I missed most of the game
as I was shopping for Chloe's birthday
She is almost 16!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007


my stupid cold is back full force
i am so bummed out by it

all four kids here
no school
3 boys up playing video games
1 girl sound asleep
its 10:00 AM
She will sleep for hours

rainy October day
same, same, same
we should build an ark

going to movie this afternoon
bucket of popcorn
some candy for the kids
soda cans we put in pockets

another day off
important to feel good
about not going to work

luke has a sore toe
hit it on isaiah's heel (?)
limping around the house

going to get a cup of coffee
need to begin the day a bit
ang is coming home early

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I am delighted to tell you that I got to sleep in.
I made a cup of coffee,
settled in front of the TV.
I watched Jake Gyllenhal on Ellen.
Watched The View for the first time
without Rosie! (YAWN!)
Now I am doing some laundry,
working with my i-Tunes.
I am ECSTATIC that it is MEA.
A much needed break.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Taking First Place

My friend, Lynda, has a daughter Jennifer who is 14.
This past weekend she participated
in the regional Special Olympic competition for bowling.
Here she is with her FIRST PLACE RIBBON!!!
Congratulations Jen!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Vikings VS. Bears

Sarah is rooting for the Vikings

We got up and went to church this morning.
We got back JUST IN TIME for the game.
We had a neighborhood get together.
Dave is a huge Bears fan.
Dan loves the Pack
Jody loves the Broncos
Kari loves the Vikings
Tim hates Childress
Angela doesn't care.
Lots of munchies
Left over chili
Dave shows up late
he was "hunting"
He makes us all laugh!
A LOT!!!
Everybody is leaving
We must wake Dave up.

Angela is up for the task!

The Vikings win by three points in the end.
Fun party!!!
A dreary Sunday spent with Friend


Yesterday my parents came over.
Dad helped me with some fence
We limp the fence along until
we must replace it.
Chloe and Grandma went shopping for her birthday present.
Grandpa and Luke played basketball.
We had dinner.
We played Wii.
We played dominoes.
Angela made homemade
apple crisp in the microwave.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Crazy week

bustle of busy family

a house with four teenagers


Angela doing SO WELL in her plight

Work that keeps piling up

Work late many nights

Soccer season wraps up

Conferences for Chloe and Ryan

A life full of life

A home full of love

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Celebrity Detox

Not around the computer yesterday.

Celebrity Detox came out yesterday.

My friend, Lynda, bought the book.

She forgot to bring it in to work today

so I could look at it. (-:

I am number 11 at the public library!

I can't wait to read it.

Make your day count.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sink Repair

What a drag tonight was.
Angela and I tore out our old faucet and replaced it with a new one.
I must say, we got stuck at one point, and our neighbor Dave had to come over and help.
The poor guy hauled his sick behind off his couch to come help us.
He was at our house for over a half hour.
He is such a great guy. We couldn't have done the job without him.
(it involved many tools...and eventually a sawzall.)
(I don't know how to spell it.)
After he left, we were able to finish the job.
Our faucet works great, and we are quite pleased.
To be honest....
Dave and Angela did most of the work.
But...I was there.
And...I did go to Home Depot to BUY the darn thing.
I am off to bed. It's late...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

William Tell Overture

I know I post stuff that you might not care about. i.e. Bruce Springsteen videos, or Backstreet Boys videos, or Rosie stuff.

New Day

I am STILL sick...but I just took my last dose of my Z-Pack!
Hoping to be 100% soon!
Ang and I are going for a walk!
We never do that.
Angela quit smoking on Monday.
She is doing great!
I know she appreciates all the prayers,
thoughts, and good wishes coming her way!
Looks to be a pretty nice Saturday.
Must mean

Friday, October 5, 2007

Bruce Springsteen -

Long Walk Home

Thank You Dan!

A recent article published in the Huffington Post regarding
Dan Rather.
It is long...
but very informative.
If you have a few...
check it out!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Give up?

Did you give up on me?
I have been running like a chicken with my head cut off!
I spent two days at the Mn Dept of Education on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
I was on a panel who helped pick what passages would be on
the 5th and 6th grade reading MCA's! It is always interesting.
I have a direct hand in creating the MCA's for my students.

I recently got a few pictures from Seth from his new place.
Look at his bachelor pad!!
My absolute favorite picture is the multi-colored
sectional couch.