Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Halloween is sort of anti-climactic after your kids get older.
Tonight my kids are at their dad's house.
Luke is going trick-or-treating with a couple of buddies from school.
Chloe was going to hand out candy at her dad's house.
Ryan and Isaiah are here and are handing out candy.
SO, I am down here on the computer updating my blog.

Today Rosie was on Martha Stewart. I didn't get to watch it.
Luckily my friend, Lynda, Tivo'd it. I can watch it at a later date.

Yesterday the Backstreet Boys new CD came out. It is called


Anonymous said...

Do you know if the title of their cd is a diss on Kevin leaving the group? Cuz that would be mean.
I liked Kevin the best anyway.

Kari Simonson said...

I liked Kevin the best too!!
People magazine commented on the irony of the title as well.
We LOVE our People magazine.