Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fame is a Trap

I just had conversation yesterday with my colleagues at work.
We were talking about how fame is such a trap.
How it corrupts people.
How it screws peoples heads up.
Fame makes you believe you are,
often times, someone that you are not.
We see it again today.
Heath Ledger....
Dead at 28.
Excellent talent.
Beautiful face.
Sadness so deep....
Amid all the fame.
Amid all the people...
Amid all this.....
he died naked and alone.
Can you feel how bad it must have been for him?
My heart breaks for his pain.
Pain that is now over for him.
Pain just beginning for Matilda....
his two year old daughter.
You can never tell how sad a person is on the inside....
There is hope.
Hope in the ONE who loves us....
The ONE who died to give us eternal life.
So many people who don't have any hope.......


Anonymous said...

A huge tragedy!
He was a good actor.

Anonymous said...

His performance in Brokeback Mountain was OUTSTANDING!!!