Thursday, October 2, 2008

Don't Vote

Saw this on Ellen.
When I watched it on Ellen the swear words were bleeped out.
If they are NOT bleeped out....I apologize!
Look at all the celebrities!!!
Some I liked more than others.


Anonymous said...

Nope, swear words not bleeped out. I looooooved it anyway.

Alicia Silverstien (sp?) is a riot. I love Halle, Dustin, Ellen of course, Ashton!

Love the lines: "got 19 kids, never used abortion once" and "wanna hang out? after you register that's a possibility" and "God, I hope you have at least 5 friends"

Anonymous said...

Loved this too! I loved the list of everything that we need to think about and how we stand on those issues: the economy, education, environment, etc.
You know me...the swear words were fine with me.
Thanks for sharing this!