An old friend from Hillcrest, Bonny Korsmo Clark , recently wrote a blog post referencing the three words that she would like to define her 2011. Her last words were: Do you have three words for the new year? This got me to thinking. Bonny was like a good Lutheran preacher and came up with three words that all started with the same letter. Alliteration at it's finest!
I, however, will not be quite as clever as that. But, I can think of three words that I would like to own for 2011.
1. Content: Something I struggle with far too often. Accepting what I am unable to change. Being OK with how things are. Beyond just accepting, however, is also the idea of just being able to look around and be content with all the blessings that I have. Through contentment, I can let others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life.
2. Ambitious: I too often get sucked into the computer and/or the television. I love my DVR too much, as well as Netflix. It's ridiculous. I could come home from every day and sit on my couch until bed time with my computer on my lap. I would like ambitious to be a word that I strive for this next year. Ambition to read more, spend more time in the Bible, take time to continue writing my memoir, go outside (yes, even in this horrible cold weather) and take more pictures, take my puppy for a walk. Go to the gym more.
3. Attentive: I want to be a more attentive partner. More engaged in my life. I would like to pay careful attention to the details of how things are going down each day. I want to show the worth of a person by giving my full concentration.
Hopefully I can achieve these three words!! I am definitely going to work at them!
Honorable goals... all of them.
Proud of you!
Let's just see if I can follow through!
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