Monday, January 30, 2012

A Mother's Joy

As I write this post, my youngest son Luke, is in a residential treatment facility in Chisago Lakes, MN.
We've been working on trying to get Luke help for his drug addiction for quite some time. It's been a slow progression on this downward trajectory for many years. Things got quite out of control over the past 10 months, where we realized that he needed more help than we could give him.

Those who know my story, know that I've had a very tumultuous relationship with Luke for the last 8 years. He has had the hardest time moving forward after the divorce, and has let much of his anger fester in his heart. Add this to anxiety and lots of opportunities to make his own decisions, and it was a recipe for disaster.

We had tried this whole rehab thing before in October, but it was not successful. Neither Jon nor Luke were quite ready for it, and things went back to the way they were before, only much worse. So, on Friday, January 20th, we drove Luke back down to Fairview Riverside's locked chemical dependency unit, and we admitted Luke for 5 days. During this time we had no contact with him. We really wanted him to dig deep within himself to see just how far he had fallen.
This seems like it was a good approach to take, and Luke is now at Chisago Lakes for 28 days. He will get out on February 22nd.

While we continue to be cautions, Luke seems to be taking this all very seriously. He is owning his addictions, realizing just how far he has fallen, and working hard to mend relationships that he has been destroying over the years. We see the hand of God all over this! One answer to prayer has been Luke's openness to me. He said that he realizes that he has shut me out and held on to resentment. He told me that he misses me and just wants to spend time with me, make up for all the time that was lost over the last many years. These are words I had begun to think I would never hear from this son. There is no doubt that the Lord is at work in Luke's heart!
Speaking of heart, the heart picture at the top is a craft that Luke made for me. The morning that we picked him up at the hospital to bring him to the rehab facility, he gave it to me. He had made it in the hospital. He told me that the multiple colors of pink and red were to signify the many layers and difficulties that our relationship has gone through. The blue bead in the middle represents Luke. He told me that he was in the middle of my heart.
"But it goes both ways Mom. That blue dot also represents you. You are in the middle of my heart too...forever!" Yes, there were tears.

Luke is working hard daily in the facility. He is committed to sobriety, and reclaiming his life. He greatly appreciates all your prayers, so please keep them coming!
God DOES answer prayers.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Make Crafts

I would like to spend more time making cool crafts.
Now that Ashley is here, living with us, I can see us making cool craft ideas.
I found a website that has a woman making 52 crafts in one year.
Does anybody else have a desire to make fun crafts?
Does anybody want to set aside one Saturday a month to work on some cool ideas?