Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Few Words by Bob Lenz

I just finished an assembly program with 400 junior high students in the state of New York. There are some days when I feel the pain of the kids that I speak to more than others. Today is one of those days. I can’t stop crying. I can’t stop hurting. It’s like I feel what they’re feeling, and I sense the hopeless of their questions, “Why not just die? Why not just end it all?”

In my assembly program I talked about bullying and showing respect. A boy that is in a special needs class came up to me afterwards and started sharing about how others call him retarded and make fun of him. He shared about a class that he said would probably be his favorite, but he hates going because he feels so bad about himself when people make fun of him and put him down.

Then a sharp-looking red-headed kid with freckles all over his face came up to me. I imagined that he should have had the bubbly joy of my daughter Joyel, but instead I saw pain in his eyes. The pain reminded me of a victim of war, which wasn’t far from reality for him. People ridiculed and laughed at him, calling him unspeakable names. While waiting at the bus stop, kids would throw rocks and make fun of him. He feels like he’s all alone. “What do I do,” he asked? “How do I deal with it when they call me these names?”

All I could wonder is, “Where are the followers of Jesus that will stand up for the least of these? Who is there to love, encourage, and tell him he’s been made in the image of God? Who is there to give him hope?”

Then a senior in high school came up to me. I was surprised to see a high school student among all these junior high kids. It turned out he was there because he was tutoring a photography class for 6th graders. His name was Josh. I’m not sure how to say this, but his attributes were a little more feminine. He began crying. “I didn’t expect to come to an assembly program today,” he said, “but it’s what I needed so bad.”

Tears streamed down his face as he began crying uncontrollably with snot coming from his nose. “I had a horrible weekend,” he continued. “Six of the jocks in school followed me to my car and called me names and kept saying I was gay, and they beat me up.” My heart sank as I watched his pain-filled face. “But the worst thing was when no one would even stop the junior high kid from spitting on me.”

No one. No one. No one deserves to be treated like this! May the people of faith be the ones that are leading the way to seek out opportunities to love, to understand, to invite, to care, to defend, and to stand for justice. Real righteousness is found when you care for the dignity of every person, even the person you disagree with.

The principal came up after witnessing those three kids talking with me. “I can’t believe the impact you just had on 400 kids, and you held their attention for 45 minutes,” he said. “They laughed and cried and absorbed every word you said. But to have them trust you so much to share these deep stories – that says a lot. This is a gift back to you, showing the difference you’re making. Thank you. This is exactly what our school needed.”

He continued to tell me there are three things the school is trying to teach students: respect for themselves, respect for others, and respect for property. “You hit every single one,” he said. “It’s like you designed this talk for our school, and we want to get you in every school possible.”

Honestly, it pains my heart that we have allowed some of the struggles that these kids are dealing with to become an issue to debate, instead of loving people. No matter what stance you feel you need to take on an issue, God has commanded us to love others. There are no disclaimers. God forbid that we allow some of the struggles that these kids are facing to become a political platform, a theological issue to be debated, or something that we want to protest and picket. Because in the mean time, kids are struggling with their value and worth as others who are fueled by self-righteousness treat them as sub-human. And we silently stand by.

God help us to stand up for the value of every person.

This is what we’re called to do – to bring hope to the kids who are ready to end it all, and to challenge people to treat each other with love and respect. We get to tell people they’re valuable no matter how people rip on them, beat on them, or put them down. Thank you for supporting this ministry, and those kids, through your prayers and support. Thank you for standing with us and being another voice that wants to not only proclaim the love of Jesus, but show it.

For the Kingdom,
Bob Lenz

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011


Oh how I love summer!
Today, my goal is to read, write and do some cleaning!
Maybe posting this will make me do it!
In other words, get off the stinking computer!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

Last night we were informed that Navy Seals had killed Osama Bin Laden. While many cheer, I still realize this is a person, and cheering at his death might make us no better than the terrorists. On the other hand, I guess it's hard for me to truly wrap my mind around the war on terror.

Mostly what I want to know is this: What's Next?

Is the war over? Did we win? Will Al Qaeda disband?

My guess is NO!

No to all of them.

I would love to see this as a time when the United States unites. There has been SO MUCH dissension in our country. There have been embarrassing controversies over Obama's birth certificate. Right Wing vs. Liberal.

I am just as guilty at times.

Hoping this can bring us all together today!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Father Gives Good Gifts

For my quiet time, I am going through The One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie.
This was a devotional I really wanted to go through as I work to move past the heartbreaks in my life.
I have spent years begging and pleading to God about my kids. I have cried out to him to bring Luke back to me. I have yelled at God for Luke not being with me instead of Jon, as I am obviously the better parent. I have cursed God for his unwillingness to answer my prayers. I have prayed, and prayed and prayed. Relentlessly!!!
Today in my quiet time I read this:
"I recognize that as much as I might want God to give me what I ask for, I trust that my heavenly Father know what is best. Sometimes his "good gifts" don't appear that way to my limited perspective. He gives me broccoli when I want ice cream. Sometimes he uses frustrating circumstances, unwarranted criticism, or disappointing delays to develop in me the good gifts of patience and humility. He calls me to trust him, to know that he is my wise and loving Father, and my ultimate good is his heart's greatest desire.
Would you be willing to stop pounding on heaven's door, to stop begging for God to give you what you believe is best,and to open your hands to receive the good gifts your heavenly Father wants to give to you?"
Am I willing to STOP POUNDING, TO STOP BEGGING FOR GOD TO GIVE ME WHAT I WANT??? Is he giving me broccoli when I am asking for ice cream?
Yes Lord. I will stop begging. I will stop pounding...and rest on the promises that YOU HAVE GOOD GIFTS to give to me. I am ready to receive them!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Throwing their heads back; mouths open
Trying to catch a breath
Common experiences
Uncommon backgrounds
Centered around a book
Which may or may not have been read
Tears shared openly
Sisterhood across the ages
Limitless friendships
Tied together forever

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Beauty of Facebook

Those who know me well, know how much I LOVE the internet, and technology!
Through the beauty of Facebook, I have been able to connect with people that I would NEVER otherwise have contact with. Jodi Picoult and Chevy Stevens are two people in that category.
Tonight I spent several hours working on writing.
At one point, while I was off task, I sent Chevy an email asking for advice. Within a VERY short amount of time, I had a reply:

Kari Henderson Simonson
Hey Chevy...I'm currently working on my first writing project, a memoir. Every time I get on the computer to write....I write a few paragraphs, and then check faceback, email, etc. What do YOU do to stay focused? I need advice!

    • Chevy Stevens Hi Kari. I set myself little goals, like I am allowed to check at a certain time, or after I finish so many pages or words. I try to get most of my emailing and blog/Facebook stuff done when I'm having my first cup of tea in the morning. Then I have a five page a day rule. I try really hard--unless it's an important email--to stay of the Internet until I've finished my pages. Then after that I can still work, editing or marketing, while allowing myself little breaks to play on Facebook etc. Good luck!

  • I feel quite blessed to have so much access to people, whose opinions I truly respect. For those of you who DON'T KNOW Chevy Stevens...check out her book Still Missing!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Charlie Sheen is all over the place. His downfall is the topic of conversation for so many peoples. The man is literally imploding upon himself. I feel afraid for Charlie Sheen. I feel terrible for his children. I wonder what the "Goddesses" are thinking through this whole thing?
I pray that Charlie can survive this! I pray that he can come out the other side with more clarity and deeper understanding about who he is!

Linda Holmes on Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen on 20/20

Charlie Sheen Quotes

Charlie Sheen on Twitter

Charlie Sheen in Major League

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Faith Healers

I was watching Our America with Lisa Ling on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). The subject of the episode was on Faith Healers. It centered around the MorningStar Revivals in Ft. Mill S.Carolina with Todd Bentley. Todd Bentley says he is a normal guy who believes in the power of the Holy Spirit who was given the gift of healing. Some say Todd Bentley is a false prophet. It's up to us, the viewer, to determine what WE think.

Lisa Ling tells that she grew up with religion. She mentions that she grew up going to church and bible camp when she was a young girl. She does a pretty good job of keeping any bias out of what she is reporting. This may be why I like Lisa Ling.

The episode follows a few specific people. A man named Steve, who has suffered a severe brain injury. Steve was in a car crash at 18 and left with a brain injury and a speech impediment. Then in 1995, he fell off a roof and was paralyzed in his lower body. His legs are both paralyzed, and he has come to the MorningStar Revivals Conference to be healed by God through Todd Bentley. He is 100% convinced that he will be healed.

Another story about a mother and daughter. The daughter, Debbie, has brought her mother to be healed of terminal cancer. Her mother could no longer afford the treatments that were above and beyond what her Medicare paid for. She sees God as her only source at this point.

I watched the hour long story waiting, wondering how this story would end up. Would these people be healed? Would the average person watching this show be turned off to the power of God? The REAL truth behind the fact that PRAYER DOES WORK? The fact that FAITH can move mountains? God does heal....he does heal through others.....I believe it 100%! I also believe that God doesn't always heal. How can a man promise miracles?

When Steve gets up to Todd Bentley, after three days of waiting, I sense how much Steve's faith could heal him. Unfortunately, he is NOT healed. He has not given up his faith. He is still waiting on God. Waiting for his time.

What about Carol, the mother with terminal cancer, will she be healed? I am so expectant I want her to be healed. At the end we find out that Carol's cancer had steadily been getting worse.

Lisa could have taken the road of: these people are quacks, but she didn't. She said she learned something there. She learned that lives could be genuinely changed. That hope could transform, and that faith could empower!

What is YOUR take on faith healers? If you have seen Our America, what do you think of Lisa Ling?

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Makes You Angry?

What Makes You Angry? This was the writing prompt that I used today with my high school students. I always write when my students are writing. As I wrote each hour, I added to what I had written before. I started out with big picture, governmental, societal issues that make me angry. Then, I moved to injustices that have happened to me, personally, which I never seem to get closure on. By the time I got to my last class of the day, my final writing was very eye opening to me. Don't get me wrong, not eye opening like I didn't know I DO this, but just eye opening about what a whiner I can be. It went like this:

Not getting my own way makes me angry. Truth is, deep down, I really like to get my own way. Let's face it, don't we all like to get our own way? I wonder if this is actually a true statement, aren't there some out there who truly like to give and give? Well, not me. I think to pout, either internally or externally (or both sometimes) when I don't get my own way leads me to rather passive aggressive behavior....childish, ridiculous behavior. Performances not quite fitting to a 44 year old. I pout, pull away, pretend. Why? I truly only hurt myself in this process. To top it off, I am not very good at holding grudges, so then it just turns into short term pouting. Even less effective!
So, there is my confessional...a full day's worth of pondering things that make me angry.
So, I pose the same question to you: What Makes You Angry?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Probably Still Nick Swansen Look

Nick Swansen pretty much knows what it means to be Special Ed.: You can't drive, even if you're sixteen and your parents have two cars; the regular kids in school don't talk to you much; and even if you can memorize every fact about amphibians, it's hard to make sense of all the other stuff swirling in your mind. What he doesn't know is whether being Special Ed. means you shouldn't go to the prom. But since no rule says you can't, Nick decides to ask Shana.

But the prom doesn't turn out at all the way Nick expects it to, and everything bad seems to get all mixed up together: the prom, what Shana does, and the terrible thing that happened to Nick's sister nine years ago. Nick doesn't want to think about any of it, but he begins to realize that unless he makes peace with all the memories that trouble him, they will haunt him forever....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Psalm 34:18

Today in my quiet time, I read Psalm 34:18. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.
Yesterday I had a particularly difficult day, on the back of a difficult few weeks. My daughter has decided to live full time with her dad, again. My youngest son is making some decisions that are poor, and I feel his dad should be steering him more closely. When I sit back and reflect on how much my hands are tied, and how I have no control over the situation, I feel crazy. These children who I love so much, are in some ways lost to me right now. As a mom, it's the most frightening thing to just sit and watch. I also end up feeling so sad, lost and alone. I berate myself that I should have been more...tried harder. Some days I just want to move away. Move far away where I am not so close to the pain. Some place where distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Yesterday was a difficult day. I was feeling depressed and alone. Out of the blue I got an text message from my oldest son telling me that I am a good mom, and that he always felt loved by me, and that he loves me so much! OUT OF THE BLUE???? I think not. It was FOR SURE God's voice. I have no doubt that God was saying: Look Kari!! All is not lost. Don't forget about your oldest child!! All is not lost!!
Today the verse from Psalm telling me that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He was close to me last night, in the midst of my despair. I am so certain of this!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Is Why We Cannot Root for the Steelers

Football Super Bowl Winners

Year Winner Opponent
New Orleans Saints Indiana Colts

Miami, FL

Pittsburgh Steelers Arizona Cardinals

Tampa, FL

New York Giants New England Patriots

Glendale, AZ

Indianapolis Colts Chicago Bears

Miami, FL

Pittsburgh Steelers Seattle Seahawks

Detroit, MI

New England Patriots Philadelphia Eagles

Jacksonville, FL

New England Patriots Carolina Panthers

Houston, TX

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Oakland Raiders

San Diego, CA

New England Patriots St. Louis Rams

New Orleans, LA

Baltimore Ravens New York Giants
Tampa, FL
St. Louis Rams Tennessee Titans
Atlanta, GA
Denver Broncos Atlanta Falcons
Miami, FL
Denver Broncos Green Bay Packers
San Diego, CA
Green Bay Packers New England Patriots
New Orleans, LA
Dallas Cowboys Pittsburgh Steelers
Tempe, AZ
San Francisco 49ers San Diego Chargers
Miami, FL
Dallas Cowboys Buffalo Bills
Atlanta, GA
Dallas Cowboys Buffalo Bills
Pasadena, CA
Washington Redskins Buffalo Bills
Minneapolis, MN
New York Giants Buffalo Bills
Tampa, FL
San Francisco 49ers Denver Broncos
New Orleans, LA
San Francisco 49ers Cincinnati Bengals
Miami, FL
Washington Redskins Denver Broncos
San Diego, CA
New York Giants Denver Broncos
Pasadena, CA
Chicago Bears New England Patriots
New Orleans, LA
San Francisco 49ers Miami Dolphins
Stanford, CA
LA Raiders Washington Redskins
Tampa, FL
Washington Redskins Miami Dolphins
Pasadena, CA
San Francisco 49ers Cincinnati Bengals
Pontiac, MI
Oakland Raiders Philadelphia Eagles
New Orleans, LA
Pittsburgh Steelers Los Angeles Rams
Pasadena, CA
Pittsburgh Steelers Dallas Cowboys
Miami, FL
Dallas Cowboys Denver Broncos
New Orleans, LA
Oakland Raiders Minnesota Vikings
Pasadena, CA
Pittsburgh Steelers Dallas Cowboys
Miami, FL
Pittsburgh Steelers Minnesota Vikings
New Orleans, LA
Miami Dolphins Minnesota Vikings
Houston, TX
Miami Dolphins Washington Redskins
Los Angeles, CA
Dallas Cowboys Miami Dolphins
New Orleans, LA
Baltimore Colts Dallas Cowboys
Miami, FL
Kansas City Chiefs Minnesota Vikings
New Orleans, LA
New York Jets Baltimore Colts
Miami, FL
Green Bay Packers Oakland Raiders
Miami, FL
Green Bay Packers Kansas City Chiefs
Los Angeles, CA

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Old Friends

Through the beauty of facebook, we all have been able to connect with old friends from our past. What I am really enjoying right now, is the connecting to old friends who I might not have even been that good of friends with. What I am finding out now is that some of these folks are people I would REALLY like to spend time with and get to know better.
I have an old neighbor who I rode the school bus with every day to school, had a crush on her older brother, but didn't really spend a lot of time with her. As an adult, I find her witty, clever and quite smart. I'm actually working on getting together with her...hopefully sometime in the near future.
I also have a couple of Hillcrest friends who I was friends with, but not close friends. I find myself drawn to how they write.
All three of these women are Wonder Women to me. The way they juggle everything in their lives. I am excited when they publish a blog post, or when they post something thought provoking on facebook. Often times they provide me with a chuckle that I need at that exact moment.
What I am mostly contemplating now is how life changes people. People I may not have been good friends with in high school, for many reasons, are now people I am drawn to by the way they express themselves on a computer. They make me want to get to know them better.
This cyber-world, while not new, is a wonderful way for people to express themselves, myself included. We all have a need to feel heard.
These three women especially, I am indebted to their online friendships. While it may seem lame to some, I find them powerful!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Here are the winners of our second annual Goodreads Choice Awards. More than 157,000 votes were cast for 460 nominees and thousands of write-in candidates. View the full results!

Favorite Book of 2010: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
With a decisive 20% of the vote, the third installment of the popular Hunger Games series is our big winner this year (it also won Young Adult Fantasy, Favorite Hero, and Favorite Heroine). Mockingjay is the most-read book on Goodreads in 2010—earning more than 53,000 ratings in the four months since its publication. Thousands more have it on their to-read lists. Runners-up were The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson and Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead.

Fiction: Room by Emma Donoghue (Goodreads Author)
Donoghue may not have won the prestigious Man Booker Award (she was shortlisted), but her book about a mother and son in captivity is a reader favorite. Runners-up include Jodi Picoult's House Rules, Sarah Addison Allen's The Girl Who Chased the Moon, and W. Bruce Cameron's A Dog's Purpose. Critical darling Jonathan Franzen came in fifth with Freedom.

Mystery & Thriller: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson
The Swedish thriller with a U.S. 2010 release garnered a whopping 37.8% of the vote, a huge lead over runners-up Still Missing by Chevy Stevens and Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich.

Fantasy: Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson (Goodreads Author)
This category was decided by a whisper-thin margin of only 0.5% of the vote. Paul Hoffman's The Left Hand of God just missed the top spot, and China Mieville's Kraken came in third. Sanderson also provided his own competition: His other 2010 publication, The Way of Kings, came in fifth.

Paranormal Fantasy: Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
Vampires and wily heroines abound in this category. Harris's latest installment of the Sookie Stackhouse series took the top honor, followed by Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs and Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews.

Science Fiction: Feed by Mira Grant
Grant's near-future zombie thriller beat out Connie Willis's Blackout and Cherie Priest's Dreadnought.

Romance: Lover Mine by J.R. Ward
Reflecting their recent popularity, paranormal romances took both first and third place: Ward's latest Black Dagger Brotherhood book and Jeaniene Frost's First Drop of Crimson. Nicholas Sparks's contemporary romance, Safe Haven, placed second.

Historical Fiction: Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
Follet's World War I epic took first place, closely followed by Anne Fortier's Shakespeare-inspired Juliet. The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O. McNees took third.

Graphic Novels & Comics: Twilight: The Graphic Novel by Stephenie Meyer & Young Kim
Although Meyer's adaptation came in first, the Cinderella story in this category is Felicia Day's The Guild. Her debut graphic novel came in seventh, the highest finish for any write-in candidate in the 2010 Goodreads Choice Awards. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Retreat placed second, and Maximum Ride: The Manga third.

Poetry: Come on All You Ghosts by Matthew Zapruder
American poet Zapruder takes the top honor, followed by If There Is Something to Desire (translated from the Russian) by Vera Pavlova and Newspaper Blackout by visual artist Austin Kleon.

Nonfiction: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (Goodreads Author)
Skloot's book about the HeLa immortal cell line is one of the year's best-reviewed books on Goodreads with an average rating of 4.16. The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant came in second, and Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain came in third.

History & Biography: The Tudors by G.J. Meyer
Voters favored Meyer's in-depth look at the English monarchy over Bill Bryson's At Home and Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken.

Memoir & Autobiography: Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi
The television actress's candid account of her struggle with anorexia beat out memoirs from comedienne Carol Burnett and former First Lady Laura Bush.

Humor: Bite Me by Christopher Moore
Moore's zany story of evil vampire cats in San Francisco took first place, followed by Sh*t My Dad Says by Twitter comic Justin Halpern and Earth (the book) by Daily Show host Jon Stewart.

Young Adult Fiction: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (Goodreads Author)
Only a few hundred votes separated Before I Fall from Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan.

Young Adult Fantasy: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Collins's dystopian juggernaut was followed by Richelle Mead's Last Sacrifice, the conclusion to her Vampire Academy series, and Cassandra Clare's Clockwork Angel, the beginning of her new Infernal Devices series.

Middle Grade & Children's: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth by Jeff Kinney
Kinney's popular middle-grade series won in a landslide, followed by Lord Sunday and The Viper's Nest.

Picture Books: It's a Book by Lane Smith
Smith's comedic picture book pits a book-loving monkey against his high-tech mouse and jackass friends. Mo Willem's Knuffle Bunny Free came in second, and Neil Gaiman's Instructions third.

Debut Author: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Nonfiction winner Skloot is followed by Humor runner-up Justin Halpern (Sh*t My Dad Says) and young adult fantasy writer Alexandra Bracken (Brightly Woven).

Goodreads Author: Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead (Goodreads Author)
This special category honors Goodreads Authors, published authors who have joined the site to connect with their fans. Runners-up were Cassandra Clare (Clockwork Angel) and Emma Donoghue (Room).

Favorite Heroine: Katniss Everdeen in Mockingjay
Gutsy teen gladiator Katniss earned 26.8% of the vote, more than vampire guardian Rose Hathaway (Spirit Bound and Last Sacrifice) and computer hacker Lisbeth Salander (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest).

Favorite Hero: Peeta Mellark in Mockingjay
Katniss, Peeta, and Gale Hawthorne form the love triangle at the heart of The Hunger Games series. However, Peeta dominated this category, beating third-place finisher Gale by 18.2%. Eric Northman, Sookie Stackhouse's vampire paramour in Dead in the Family, took second.

Cover Art: Torment by Lauren Kate (Goodreads Author)
Three young-adult titles won the top spots in this category: Kate's angel fantasy, followed by Brenna Yovanoff's The Replacement and Jackson Pearce's Sisters Red.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


So far this week has been a week of joy for me.
Work has been great. It was fun to get back to my students, and to connect with them again.
I've been to the gym the appropriate number of times, and really worked hard.
My car broke down, and I decided to purchase a new truck.
I've been able to stick to my guns with the "moving past the heartbreak plan" as well. The Lord is giving me strength to go through each day.
Our kids have been around, and we've had evening meals around the table filled with laughter and love.
The week has gone by quickly, and I am so excited that it's FRIDAY!!

On the other hand, my dear friend and workout partner, Fiona, is going through a very personal crisis. Her mother was taken to the hospital on Wednesday by ambulance, and things have been declining ever since. As a friend, I so want to be there for her. I want to help and be supportive. I know there is no joy for her right now.

I am struck by how life goes on. I remember when Seth was diagnosed with cancer, and I felt like my life was falling apart. Yet, all around me, people were going on with their life. People were experiencing joys and were laughing. Yet, there I was, just discovering that my baby had a potentially life-threatening disease.

SO, while my week has been filled with joy, I am also very much aware that those around me may be hurting and suffering. If you are one of those people, my heart goes out to you. My hope is that the joy will come back around to you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Best Books

Readers' Choice: Best Books of 2010
Web exclusiveFeature by Editors of BookPage

In November we asked readers to tell us their favorite book of 2010. More than 2,600 readers responded, and the results span genres from literary thriller to YA phenomenon to historical epic. Several of these books overlap with our own Best of 2010 picks. The results are in order of votes.

1. The Passage by Justin Cronin
2. Room by Emma Donoghue
3. Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman
4. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson
5. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
6. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
7. Freedom by Jonathan Franzen
8. Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson
9. The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer
10. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
11. Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny
12. Still Missing by Chevy Stevens
13. Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah
14. 61 Hours by Lee Child
15. A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
16. Ape House by Sara Gruen
17. Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin
18. House Rules by Jodi Picoult
19. Faithful Place by Tana French
20. Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King

Note: Although our Readers' Choice "Best of 2010" picks were limited to books published in 2010, several older books received a significant number of votes. The Help by Kathryn Stockett, Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese and Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay remain especially popular with BookPage readers.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Three Words

An old friend from Hillcrest, Bonny Korsmo Clark , recently wrote a blog post referencing the three words that she would like to define her 2011. Her last words were: Do you have three words for the new year? This got me to thinking. Bonny was like a good Lutheran preacher and came up with three words that all started with the same letter. Alliteration at it's finest!
I, however, will not be quite as clever as that. But, I can think of three words that I would like to own for 2011.

1. Content: Something I struggle with far too often. Accepting what I am unable to change. Being OK with how things are. Beyond just accepting, however, is also the idea of just being able to look around and be content with all the blessings that I have. Through contentment, I can let others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life.

2. Ambitious: I too often get sucked into the computer and/or the television. I love my DVR too much, as well as Netflix. It's ridiculous. I could come home from every day and sit on my couch until bed time with my computer on my lap. I would like ambitious to be a word that I strive for this next year. Ambition to read more, spend more time in the Bible, take time to continue writing my memoir, go outside (yes, even in this horrible cold weather) and take more pictures, take my puppy for a walk. Go to the gym more.

3. Attentive: I want to be a more attentive partner. More engaged in my life. I would like to pay careful attention to the details of how things are going down each day. I want to show the worth of a person by giving my full concentration.

Hopefully I can achieve these three words!! I am definitely going to work at them!