Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Unexpected Words of Love

An old friend from the past, from my private Christian High School contacted me from out of the blue. After looking at my pictures, she told me that my family was beautiful, and that I looked happy! She mentioned that she had a friend like me. I wanted to know how she was able to NOT be judgmental towards me. I know this gal as a Godly woman. I was so very moved by her words, that I just had to put them on here:

Two years ago I actually graduated with a Theology degree from Bethel Seminary.
It was a great experience - very freeing.
I have always been a person to ask questions and doubt and wonder about things...
In the evangelical world I felt rebellious,
but at Seminary I felt validated - that it was okay to not have everything figured out.
I also learned at Seminary that I really don't know much at all... and it is okay!
What a relief that I don't have to have all the answers!
In many ways I feel that the evangelical church is almost cultish.
We have all the answers and know the "absolute truth" etc..
While the church is so busy debating and pointing fingers at people, we have in many ways forgotten to actually look at the life Christ modeled and lived while on earth..
The past few years I have worked really closely in social justice areas.
I was a relief worker and really care about the poor.. the needy.. the outcasts - the forgotten.
In that time what I have found is a community of people who care
and feel the same way that I do...
but about 99.9% of them are not from the evangelical church.
They are people of all kinds of backgrounds and religious beliefs and lifestyles.
What I found is that when we all come together and work to love others
while loving each other we actually serve God in a really cool way.
I can't help but think the people I hang with must be the same
kinds of groupies Jesus hung with.
The Pharisees, Saduccess, zealots and essenneses
where too busy trying to protect themselves from "those people",
when in fact Jesus lived right in the midst of them.

The cool part is that I am learning more from them - then I could ever teach.
I just really am tired of the whole us and them thing.
I think all humans are created in the image of God and loved by God
and because God shows me grace everyday, I should do the same.
I know there are some scriptures that speak against homosexuality..
and there are other areas (like the gospels) where nothing is said.
I have also heard numerous passages on women in the church completely
misused and used out of context... in order to oppress and put down women.
I really don't know what I believe on the issue to tell you the truth..

but all I do know is that I am not going to judge anyone
no matter what issue it is that they are dealing with.

I just want to love and treat people with the dignity that they deserve.
That whole "love the sinner hate the sin" has been such a joke.
I don't know of hardly any evangelical Christians that actually do that.
And if they aren't being judgemental they are just plain avoiding.

Great to hear from you! Have a great day! Keep in touch!

Take care;


Bonny said...

That is really beautiful ... thanks for sharing it. :-)

Elzabet said...

Thank you. I needed that bit of wisdom.

PS Bonny sent me here! :o)