Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jesse Takes The High Road

"My whole life has been full of hard decisions. "
"The decision to let my wife end our marriage, and continue the adoption of Louis on her own, has been the hardest. The love I have for Louis cannot be put to words. Not having him around to love and to hold has left a huge hole in my heart."
"Sandy is the love of my life, but considering the pain and devastation I have caused her, it would be selfish to not let her go. Right now it is time for me to beat this addiction that has taken two of the things I love the most in life."
I have always taken great pride in proving people wrong. That time has come once again to show that I am not what everyone says I am. I know in my heart that I can be the best father possible to my four children, and the mate Sandy deserves, and realize that this is an incredible mountain to climb. But I believe that the steps I have taken in the last 30 days are the foundation for making this happen. The lifelong commitment I am making is what being a real husband and father is all about. "
"I ask that you please do not judge Sandy for the things I have done. She has done no wrong. She played no part in any of this. She has been an amazing wife, mother, and best friend, for the over 6 years we have been together."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quiet Time Today

Today, during my quiet time, I was thanking God for being my reason. While I was praying, it occurred to me that I really need to LIVE like HE is my reason.
I hate that so often my relationship with Jesus is just lip service.
I just read it today: Matthew 15:8 Jesus says:
These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Nobody WANTS to be like this....but when I take my eyes off of Jesus, even for a little bit, I lose sight of WHAT I AM DOING!! I FORGET WHAT I AM HERE FOR!
After 43 would think I could start to get it right! If not for His AMAZING GRACE.....

Today I want to live like I KNOW HE is my reason!!!
Somebody...hold me accountable to this!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Manifesting What is Before Us

I am reading a charming book called The Art of Racing in the Rain. It is a sweet account of the dog's life as he looks back on how rich his life has been. I might be reading it, in part, because we have just put down our old, sweet Sam!
When something hits me, I love to write it down. The dog, Enzo, has just said something profound:
That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.
I alone, can manifest a change in that which is around me. While I cannot say that I am a master of my own destiny, I can say that I have experienced a glimpse of mastery, and I know what I have to work toward.