Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kids growing up!

Chloe is off today...
she is doing 16 year old things.
She is at graduation parties, and sleepovers
and running errands.
It's so weird when your kids grow up!
It's so awesome...and scary at the same time.

We went out with Mike and Jolyne last night
whose son had just gotten his license that day.
Quentin turned 16 and passed his test.
He took off to a birthday party and drove himself.
Mike and Jolyne were nervous...but did very well.
They weren't overly nervous!

Ryan also passed his drivers test yesterday. He had a CRABBY, frightening
test proctor. BUT...either way....he passed!
It was a big day for drivers.

Let the weekend begin!!
Take the link on the side and check out the blog I made for my students!

1 comment:

FlipFlop Mom said...

THANKS for checking out my blog... My heart BREAKS for SCC.. :( He has been my all time fav .. gosh.. since.. forever.... I have to realize that God has a plan in all this... but it still breaks my heart for them...

thanks for checking out my blog... some days I have so much to say.. and others.. so little.. LOL LOL..
Like I have so much to write tonight.. but... I'll wait til tomorrow.. LOL LOL...

off to check your students blog!!