Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lakeville Homecoming 2008

Chloe and Ryan are now JUNIORS!!!
How could they be so old?
Isaiah is now a FRESHMAN!!!
This was a VERY FUN homecoming Friday.
Lakeville South won their football game too!
We froze our patooties off at the game...but we had fun!!
Chloe, Ryan, Isaiah and a bunch of others went out to Applebees afterward for half price appetizers.

Isaiah and Chloe

I have NO IDEA who all these girls are, but Chloe is in the middle right.

Chloe and Ryan

Chandler and Chloe


Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures! Leave it to you, Kari, to mention the appetizers were half-price!

Kari Simonson said...

Yeah, well remember that I am a bottom shelf kind of gal.