Saturday, January 22, 2011

Old Friends

Through the beauty of facebook, we all have been able to connect with old friends from our past. What I am really enjoying right now, is the connecting to old friends who I might not have even been that good of friends with. What I am finding out now is that some of these folks are people I would REALLY like to spend time with and get to know better.
I have an old neighbor who I rode the school bus with every day to school, had a crush on her older brother, but didn't really spend a lot of time with her. As an adult, I find her witty, clever and quite smart. I'm actually working on getting together with her...hopefully sometime in the near future.
I also have a couple of Hillcrest friends who I was friends with, but not close friends. I find myself drawn to how they write.
All three of these women are Wonder Women to me. The way they juggle everything in their lives. I am excited when they publish a blog post, or when they post something thought provoking on facebook. Often times they provide me with a chuckle that I need at that exact moment.
What I am mostly contemplating now is how life changes people. People I may not have been good friends with in high school, for many reasons, are now people I am drawn to by the way they express themselves on a computer. They make me want to get to know them better.
This cyber-world, while not new, is a wonderful way for people to express themselves, myself included. We all have a need to feel heard.
These three women especially, I am indebted to their online friendships. While it may seem lame to some, I find them powerful!

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