Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

This morning we got up extra early,
5:00 AM.
NO, we didn't get up early to find out what
was in our stockings...
We went downtown to
Chicago Ave and 17th Street to
a homeless shelter.

We served Christmas breakfast to many
grateful people.
We all were humbled by our experience.
People with nothing were wishing US
a Merry Christmas.
Our prayer, before we went in, was to
BE JESUS to the people we were about to serve.

While WE all woke up with bellies still full from the night before,
we went to serve those with hungry bellies.
While we struggled to get out of bed early,
we saw others sleeping upright in their chairs....
taking advantage of a warm place to catch a few winks.
While we contemplated which toy to go home and play with,
we witnesses many with NO GIFTS this Christmas Morning.
We are TRULY blessed.
Absolutely an experience our family will never forget.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start Christmas Day!
It is a great way of showing the love of the season and an example of the love that Jesus had for all people.