Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lovstad's White Elephant Party

On Saturday we went to the 4th Annual
White Elephant Party at our neighbors house.
Tim and Donna throw a fun party.

We really had a WONDERFUL time.
Kathy brought her daughter Caroline.
She was the hit of the party.
Here she is opening one of the MANY gifts she got to open
at the party.
It's a SINGING wreath. CLASSY!!!
Wonder where it came from?

I think Dave and Sarah ended up with it, however.

This is Tom with Kathy and Caroline.
Caroline is holding yet another gift she opened.
It's a TOMAHAWK!!!
Can't get enough use out of that.

Angela took home the best prize. What a GORGEOUS
platter. Too bad it weighs 50 lbs.
You can tell by her face that she is SUPER excited about it.

Tim and Dan posed for a nice picture.
We love these guys.

Donna goes GLAM!!!

It only took 5 times to get this picture right.
They weren't as cooperative as I would have liked.
Dave and Angela.

Sarah and Angela

Kari and Kari!
We even spell our names the same.
Kari Lovstad turns 21 on Christmas Day.
This is Tim and Donna's daughter.
She is a real sweetheart.

Sarah got a beautiful flag.
She went RIGHT HOME and hung it up.

We really had a great time!!!
Thanks Tim and Donna for inviting us.
Hope we get invited again next year.

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