Sunday, August 19, 2007


OK, I hate to be a whiner, but the rain is getting me down. I've had enough now. My friend, Lynda, told me to think of how much our grass and trees need the rain. She is so funny. She also told me that the sun will come out again. I am pretty sure it will come out again...the day I go back to work. The forecast looks like it's going to be cold and rainy all this week, and I go back the week of the 27th!
Angela, Ryan, Isaiah and I went to Lifetime Fitness today to work out. Angela and I have a one week free membership. It was fun...but hard work.
We also went to Evergreen church this morning. This is the church that bought our old church, Trinity. It was so weird being in the church that I know SO well, with a bunch of people I have never seen before.
To those of you who enjoy a rainy day, make the most of your day.

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