Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I just got up this morning to begin my big PAINTING job.
I get up, look out the window...and see this...

Don't tell anybody that I am on SPRING Break!
Apparently we could get up to 8 inches. We have already received more than half of that.
We went out to The Machine Shed last night with Brenda and Tracey.
It was quite the experience.
We were there for over an hour and a half, and it wasn't because we were just
hangout just took that long.
We decided the food was good....but we will NOT be going back there.
We went back to their house for coffee and more conversation.
As we began our drive home from Oakdale, we noticed it was beginning to snow.
By the time we pulled into our driveway, it was full on snowing.

SO, I have Ellen on the TV, and I am now ready to begin my painting.


Unknown said...

Ok so seriously I know you are hating the snow right about now but I so wish I could be there!! I haven't gotten to see snow like at all this year...just a couple of times. I hope you have a great day today, I am so excited to see you guys!! LESS THAN A WEEK!! Love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

I totally get how ladders make you scared. I really admire how you got over your fear!
The house looks great!!